Contact Info

We are always interested in hearing from people interested in the intricacies of 3D genome architecture. Please contact Prof. A. Papantonis directly with your CV and research goals or find us at our lab address below.

AG Papantonis: Translational Epigenetics (Rooms 2.E1.210 and 2.E1.2016)
Institute of Pathology, University Medical Center Göttingen,
Robert-Koch-Str. 40, 37075 Göttingen, Germany


  • 14/06/2023

    Akis is presenting our latest preprint in which we use Hi-C to explore glioblastoma biology and patient-specific responses at the EACR2023 in Torino. The whole event is kindly supported by Arima Genomics (with many thanks!).

  • 01/06/2023

    As of today, Akis is the proud “occupant” of the W3-Professorship for Translational Epigenetics & Genome Architecture at the Medical Faculty of the University of Goettingen! Time for a celebration then!

  • 31/05/2023
    Spiros is PhD student #7 that graduates from our lab. And did so via a strong defense today!
    His work on the formation and maintenance of CTCF clusters in senescence was suported by the IMPRS Genome Science graduate program and the TRR81 network, and Spiros worked very hard to get here. Stay tuned for the preprints!
  • 26/05/2023

    Akis invited to present our unpublished work on “CTCF and nuclear speckles organising the senescent human genome” at the EMBO Systems Biology Workshop in Alexandroupolis, Greece.

  • 18/05/2023

    Akis, together with Andreas Beyer (CECAD, Cologne), are discussing our latest Debes et al. work on RNAPII elongation acceleration with age, at the Gold Lab Symposium in Boulder, Colorado!

  • 17/12/2022

    Interested in concepts of genome organization and RNA polymerase II? Akis is discussing work from our lad in the 90th episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, sponsored by Active Motif. You can listen to the whole podcast here.

  • 10/12/2022

    First lab Christmas dinner in post-COVID times, and the (much needed, yet somewhat incomplete) renewed lab photo.


  • 06/12/2022

    Dr. Shu Zhang! PhD #5 that graduates “magna cum laude” from the lab, after almost 4 years of hard work and two very fundamental pieces of work contributed to literature in the field of 3D genomics.


  • 25/11/2022

    Really great news from the German Research Foundation (DFG): our SFB1565 consortium on “Molecular mechanisms and interplay of gene expression processes” has been selected for funding! We will be hiring two new PhD students to work on bi-functional transcription factors and genome-wide CRISPR screens in the context of cellular ageing.

  • 08/11/2022

    Today, Akis will be giving a talk citing data from our latest preprint (Zhang et al., bioRxiv doi:10.1101/2022.07.04.498738) in the 3rd Annual Meeting on Advances on Nuclear Topology and 3D Chromatin Architecture in Cancer hosted by NYU Langone as an online event. Do tune in!

  • 31/10/2022

    It its a great pleasure for the Papantonis lab to be hosting the Kick-Off meeting of the 2nd Funding Phase of the SPP2202 “Spatial Genome Architecture in Development and Disease” Priority Program. This two-day meeting at the Freigeist Hotel in Goettingen will feature talks of >30 core and affiliated groups of the program, and will kick-off the next three years of work in the filed for the German community!